,,umfangreiche Betreuung mit deutlichen Schwerpunkten
im Pharmarecht sowie bei HWG-, IP- und Compliance-Fragen"*
*Juve Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2016/2017
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Legal consulting in the area of pharmaceutical/healthcare & life sciences law has been one of the pillars of our law practice for many years. Based on our extensive experience representing well-known companies in the pharmaceutical, medical products, genetic and bio-engineering industry, we have special insight in these matters and quickly familiarize ourselves with complex medical, biological and chemical nature.
Even at the pre-approval stage we provide you with comprehensive consulting on legal matters related to research and development including clinical studies while ensuring all your pre-marketing. activities are legally sound. We also draft and negotiate clear and precise agreements in the areas of contract manufacturing and quality assurance. When it comes to consulting on marketing and sales strategies as well as drafting and negotiating international license and distribution agreements you benefit further from our in-depth legal and technical expertise. We are also familiar with all the legal facets of pricing and procurement procedures including tender and discount agreements in the industry.
In the area of compliance we review your sales structures, develop legally solid concepts and train your staff accordingly. Our specialexpertise in medical advertising laws and our extensive experience in handling competitor disputes are highly sought after by companies in the industry and is also continuously substantiated by our top rankings in Germany’s law firm guides JUVE and Legal 500.
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