Dr. Ulrich Block
LL.M. (Tulane University)
Partner in our Berlin office
Oranienstraße 164
10969 Berlin
- +49 (0)30 / 61 68 94 03
- +49 (0)30 / 61 68 94 56
- ublock@boetticher.com
Dr. Ulrich Block
LL.M. (Tulane University)
Partner in our Berlin office
Oranienstraße 164
10969 Berlin
- +49 (0)30 / 61 68 94 03
- +49 (0)30 / 61 68 94 56
- ublock@boetticher.com
Ulrich Block advises national and international clients on corporate law and M&A transactions. Specifically, Ulrich Block focuses on the law of stock corporations, limited liability companies and commercial partnerships, corporate finance and capital measures of all types, business transactions, takeovers, reorganizations, conversions, corporate governance and other corporate law matters. He also advises on capital markets law, such as in securities and other financial transactions and providing ongoing consulting for listed companies. Ulrich Block often handles international cases. His clients are globally operating companies of all sizes and from all industries – multinational corporations, mid-sized businesses as well as start-ups.
Languages: German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French
- JUVE Handbook 2024 and previous years: Corporate Law | „Frequently recommended Dr. Ulrich Block.“
- Dr. Ulrich Block is listed in Best Lawyers 2024 and previous years for Corporate Law.
- Legal studies at the Universities of Regensburg and Freiburg, Germany
- LL.M. (1994) from Tulane Law School, New Orleans, LA, USA
- Promotion 1996
- Admitted to the German bar in 1996
- First years of law practice (1997 to 2000) at Gleiss Lutz in Berlin and Stuttgart
- Adjunct professor for corporate law at Berlin School of Economics and Law and former visiting professor at Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
- Member of the German Corporate Law Society (VGR)
- Member of the mergers acquisitions working group of the German-American Lawyers’ Association (DAJV)
- Member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany
- Stock corporation law and capital markets law (“Aktienrecht und Kapitalmarktrecht”), specifically Sections 71 – 71e of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), 6th edition, Baden-Baden, 2024;
- German corporate law (“Assim se faz – Direito Societário na Alemanha“), 2nd edition, São Paulo, 2015;
- “Business transactions in Germany (“Limited Liability Company Law (GmbH))” in Campbell/Ruester, Newark, San Francisco, 2011;
- Annotation on Brandenburg Court of Appeals decision (7 W 66/23) from January 2, 2024 on the unalienable right to participate in shareholders’ meetings of a limited liability company despite suspension of shareholder’s rights, and on the requirements of appointment and convocation of an estate administrator for unknown heirs of a deceased shareholder („GmbH-Gesellschafterversammlung: Teilnahmerecht unentziehbar auch bei Ruhen der Gesellschafterrechte; Bestellung und Ladungeines Nachlasspflegers bei unbekannten Erben eines verstorbenen Gesellschafters“) in German law publication Juris PraxisReport Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht 4/2024, annotation no. 5;
- Annotation on German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) decision (II ZR 65/16) from June 26, 2018 on the redemption of company shares and the release of hidden reserves as a financing method („Einziehung eines Geschäftsanteils und Auflösung stiller Reserven“), in German law publication Juris PraxisReport Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht 11/2018, annotation no. 2;
- Annotation on German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) decision (II ZR 94/15) from January 10, 2017 on capital protection and financial assistance regulations applicable to stock corporations and on indemnification claims against shareholders for furnishing security („Kapitalerhaltung und Finanzierungsleistungen der Aktiengesellschaft: Vollwertiger Freistellungsanspruch gegen den Aktionär bei Sicherheitsleistung und Vereinbarung des Aktienerwerbs als Zweck einer Finanzierungsleistung“) in German law publication Juris PraxisReport Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht 9/2017, annotation no. 1;
- Annotation on Berlin Court of Appeals decision (22 W 77/15) from October 12, 2015 on simplified capital increases of stock corporations by way of contribution in kind („Vereinfachte Sachkapitalerhöhung bei der Aktiengesellschaft: Begrenzte Prüfung des Wertgutachtens durch das Handelsregister“) in German law publication Juris PraxisReport Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht 4/2016, annotation no. 2;
- Annotation on German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) decision (II ZR 353/12) from July 29, 2014 on compensation of shareholders in public takeovers, voting rights and acting in concert (“Übernahmeangebot: Ansprüche von Aktionären gegen Bieter auf Erhöhung der Gegenleistung bei vorangegangener pflichtwidriger Unterlassung eines Pflichtangebotes; Stimmrechtszurechnungen und Acting in Concert”) in German law publication Juris PraxisReport Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht 1/2015, annotation no. 1;
- Annotation on Saarbrücken Court of Appeals (OLG) decision (I W 18/13) from June 11, 2014 on Squeeze-out cash compensation and stock exchange price (“Barabfindung bei Squeeze-out: Keine Anpassung des Börsenwertes, wenn zwischen Ankündigung des Squeeze-out und Hauptversammlung sechseinhalb Monate liegen”) in German law publication Juris PraxisReport Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht 11/2014, annotation no. 1;
- Annotation on German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) decision (II ZR 80/12) from June 11, 2013 on public takeover regulations (“Pflichtangebot nach Wertpapiererwerbs- und Übernahmegesetz: Keine Gegenleistung und keine Zinsen bei Unterlassung”) in German law publication Juris PraxisReport Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht 12/2013, annotation no. 4;
- Annotation on “Stollwerck” decision (II ZB 18/09) from July 19, 2010 by German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) on market values as minimumlevel of cash compensation for squeeze-outs (“Der Börsenwert als Untergrenze der Barabfindung beim Squeeze-out nach der “Stollwerck”-Entscheidung des BGH”) in German law publication AnwaltZertifikatOnline Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht 14/2011, annotation 1 und 15/2011, Annotation no. 1;
- Annotation on Stuttgart Court of Appeals (OLG) decision (20 W 11/08) from May 4, 2011 on minimum cash compensation for squeeze-outs (“Angemessene Barabfindung bei Squeeze-out”) in German law publication juris PraxisReport Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, 07/2011, annotation no. 2;
- Annotation on Berlin Court of Appeals decision (23 AktG 1/09) from Dec. 10, 2009 on special transfers of severed voting rights for upcoming annual meetings (“Fremdbesitz auf dem Prüfstand für die anstehende Hauptversammlungssaison”) in German law journal BB, 14/2010, pp. 785-789;
- Annotation on Munich Court of Appeals (OLG) decision (31 Wx 106/08) from Sept. 9, 2008 on extraordinary termination of company affiliationagreements (“Außerordentliche Kündigung von Unternehmensverträgen”) in German law publication juris PraxisReport Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, 04/2009, annotation no. 5;
- Business transactions in Germany (“Silent Partnership”) in Campbell/Ruester, Newark, San Francisco, 2008;
- New corporate governance regulations under Sarbanes-Oxley Act (“Neue Vorschriften zur Corporate Governance gemäß Sarbanes-Oxley Act”) in German law journal BKR, 2003, pg. 774;
- Overview of German corporate law (Chapters IV: Liability for the Company’s Debts, V: Rules on the Preservation of a Corporation’s Assets, and VI: Rules regarding Groups of Companies/Konzernrecht) in International Law Office (June 1998), www.europeanlawoffice.com;
- Copyright licensing for the production and distribution of sound recordings in the EU Single Market (“Die Lizenzierung von Urheberrechten für die Herstellung und den Vertrieb von Tonträgern im Europäischen Binnenmarkt”), Baden-Baden, 1997;
- Article on restitution of asset losses suffered by victims of Nazi persecution (“Vermutung eines verfolgungsbedingten Vermögensverlustes von NS-Verfolgten”) in German law journal VIZ 02/1994, pg. 49, VIZ 03/1994, pg. 104.