Dr. Anselm Brandi-Dohrn maître en droit
Practice Areas
- Intellectual Property
- IT Law
- Pharmaceutical law
The core area of Anselm Brandi-Dohrn’s expertise is advising and representing, in and out of court, businesses in intellectual property matters, notably in patent and trademark licensing, in IT law and in unfair competition. Add to that public procurement law as one of his focal points. Anselm Brandi-Dohrn has more than 20 years of experience in negotiating transnational contracts (distribution, international licensing agreements, cooperation, R&D) in the fields of software, pharmaceuticals, biotech, nutritionals, basic products and medical products. His theoretical knowledge and practical experience in international license agreements are reflected by his US license as a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP). As longstanding Chairman of the Board of the German Association of Law and Computer Science (DGRI), the country’s leading think tank for IT law, Anselm Brandi-Dohrn has exceptional experience in all legal aspects of current and debuting IT business models. This keeps him in high demand for speaking engagements on intellectual property rights and IT law, especially in an international context, at national and international conferences. His clients include national and international technology companies of all sizes in the hard-/software, new media, Internet, gaming and life sciences sectors.
- Legal studies at the Universities of Cologne, Germany, and Aix-en-Provence, France (Maître en Droit, 1990)
- Admitted to the German bar in 1995
- Certified Specialist for Intellectual Property Law since 2006
- Certified Licensing Professional (CLP)
- Adjunct professor for IT law at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Engineering (University of Potsdam, Germany)
- Member of the expert committee on intellectual property law of the Berlin bar
- Chairman of the Board of the German Association of Law and Computer Science (DGRI) (2009-2014) Member of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (GRUR)
- Chairman of the Board of the German Association of Law and Computer Science (DGRI) (2009-2014)
- Secretary General of the International Federation of Computer Law Associations (IFCLA) (2012-2021)
- JUVE Handbook 2016/2017: IT: Contracts/Processes | Frequently Recommended: Dr. Anselm Brandi-Dohrn (“very experienced attorney, decent negotiator”, competitor)
- JUVE Handbook 2016/2017: Pharm. & Medical Product Law | Frequently Recommended: Dr. Anselm Brandi-Dohrn (IT, procurement law)
- German legal publication Legal 500 Deutschland 2013: IT | “Anselm Brandi-Dohrn recommended in IT law.”
- German business newspaper Handelsblatt: Germany’s Best Lawyers for 2013 – Dr. Brandi-Dohrn
- Who´s Who Legal 2013: Dr. Brandi-Dohrn
- Best Lawyers: Lawyer of the Year 2012 and 2016 | Information Technology Law
Publications (Selection)
Anselm Brandi-Dohrn has (co-)authored articles and commentaries in both national and international publications, including:
Intellectual Property Rights:
- Chapters on licensing and R&D agreements (“Lizenzverträge, F&E-Verträge”) in HGB, 6th edition, Röhricht/Graf von Westphalen/Haas/Mock/Wöstmann, Cologne, 2023;
- Chapters on licensing and R&D agreements (“Lizenzverträge, F&E-Verträge”) in HGB, 5th edition, Röhricht/Graf von Westphalen/Haas,, Cologne, 2019;
- Comparative law Chapter on trade in intellectual property rights (“Handel mit Geistigem Eigentum”) in: “Handbuch Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht”, Kronke/Melis/Kuhn, 2nd edition, Cologne, 2017;
- Chapters on trademark and competition law affecting international software licensing (“Wettbewerbsrecht / Markenrecht”) in “Der internationale Softwarevertrag”, 2nd edition, Ullrich/Lejeune, Heidelberg, 2006;
Publications Cont´d➤
- Comparative law Chapter on trade in intellectual property rights (“Handel mit Geistigem Eigentum”) in: “Handbuch Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht”, Kronke/Melis/Schnyder, Cologne, 2005;
- “Die Preisauszeichnung während der Umstellung von DM auf Euro”, BB 1998, 2121 ff.;
- “Auslegung internationalen Einheitsprivatrechts durch die internationale Rechtsprechung”, TransportR 1996, 45 ff.;
IT law:
- Chapter on B2B software contracts (“Standard-Softwarekauf (B2B)”) in “Handbuch der IT-Verträge”, Redeker, lose leaf, Cologne, June 2019;
- Co-editor of “Recht 2.0 – Informationsrecht zwischen virtueller und realer Welt” on IT law between the virtual world and reality, Cologne, 2008;
- Article on employee invention protection in software development (“Arbeitnehmererfindungsschutz bei Softwareerstellung”), CR, 2001, 285 ff.;
Public Procurement law:
- Co-author of chapter “Germany” in “International Public Procurement”, Campbell, Oxford, Release 2017-1;
- Contribution on excess bids in IT contract tenders (“Das ‘Mehrangebot’ als Sonderfall des Nebenangebots bei der Vergabe von IT-Leistungen”) in “Liber amicorum für Prof. Jochen Schneider”, Conrad (Publ.), Cologne, 2008;
- o-author of “Chapter 41 – Public Procurement in Germany” on business transactions in Germany in Campbell/Ruester, Newark, San Francisco, 2007 (preparing new edition);
Publications Cont´d➤
- Co-author of chapter “Germany” in “International Public Procurement”, 2nd edition, Campbell, Oxford, 2008;
- „VOF und GWB – Verdingungsordnung für freiberufliche Leistungen“, NJW 1998, 857 ff.;
- „Zur Verpflichtung der Öffentlichen Hand, Aufträge an Rechtsanwälte nur aufgrund öffentlicher Ausschreibung zu vergeben“, VerwRundschau 1997, 193 ff.
German, English, French, Spanish